
Dear Chairperson Ms. Renate Winter
(United Nations Commission on Human Rights)
22/ 1 / 2018
2-16-23 hiuchi kawanishi-city hyogo japan
general incorporated foundation
Research Foundation for the Furtherance of global Human Rights & Welfare ( Child welfare&well-being organizations WELWEL)
We hope that the United Nations Commission on Human Rights (UNHRC) will submit the following three points to the Government of Japan as "Statement to respect children's right to the pursuit of happiness ".
Gist of Petition
Based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Japanese government should replace its "single parent bringing up system" with "shared bringing up system", and should research poverty and abuse in order to protect the right of children to healthy development.
The Japanese government should provide public defenders for children involved in divorce cases.
In order to heavily punish parents who kidnap their children following a divorce case, the Japanese government should exclude the crime of kidnapping or abducting minors from the category of crimes requiring a complaint from the victim for prosecution.
Cause of Petition
"A system to raise children by only one parent" does not protect the welfare, interests, and rights of children, as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Japanese government ignores children’s rights by emphasizing the authority of a single parent. Under these circumstances, Japan is clearly violating the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Therefore, the system must be revised.
With respect to the rights of children after separation, parents should be allowed to separate "parenting" and "child-rearing expenses".
Both responsibility arises for single parents living with children, but parents should be both obliged for child. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a joint custody system.
Although the Japan Federation of Bar Associations has begun to provide agents to speak on behalf of the children, the children themselves cannot speak their own opinion, and are ill-informed.
Although Japan has ratified the Convention on the Rights of Children, this violation of children’s rights still continues.
“His or her right that a child shall not be separated from those parents against their will” and “His or her own views the right to express those views freely” are natural rights for independent children, but there is no enforcement to protect children from trafficking and abuse.
Following divorce, minors should have the ability to report cases of abuse through public defenders.
In Japan, the kidnapping of children occurs publicly. The child is kidnapped without the parent’s consent, against the will of the child.
Japan's judiciary does not recognize the crime of a kidnapping parent and children allows negotiating benefits and rights without seeing other parents. Although obviously infringing on the rights of the child, laws that protect the child’s independent natural rights are not established. This must be rectified.
Children are crying. They cannot meet their desired parent. Japan's judiciary does not allow children the right to meet family after separation. In order to widely disseminate this, we beg the cooperation of Chairperson.
A statement is given to the Japanese Government which does not observe Hague Convention by ambassadors of EU foreign countries. Thank you very much.
If Japan is not revised in a cooperated bringing up system, the cause of this problem is not solved. In the parental authority system, I respect the real custody right of the father who took it away and the real control as an independent right alone. In other words it is a system in defense of the kidnapper.
Inaction produces children in Hague Convention non-member nation and Japan without fundamental human rights being respected. It is clear if I light up human trafficking and abduction issue, the human rights violations.
Parents who are taken away children develop
Psychiatric disorder called "child loss syndrome".
Children of the childhood who are isolated a real parent develops
Psychiatric disorder called "parent loss syndrome".
These were announced by the World Health Organization as
"Parental Alienation Syndrome".
A cooperated bringing up system instead of single parent bringing up system will protect the rights of the child. It is a right of nature that one's future is kept a child by a parent.
A joint bring up system is international law and kept the personal rights of the child. It is a right of nature that one's future is kept a child by a parent.
Parent have the right to kept to bring up own children with whatever reasons they have. If the system of sole custody deprives its right, it cannot be agree.
The right for children to receive adequate love from their parent, the natural rights by unseparation Principle to interchange with their parent, the right to plan the stability of the heart by hug of their parent, the right to pursue children's happiness should be respected. The Commission on Human Rights wanted you to submit a statement to Japan to send this fact widely and did a character.
Japanese judiciary is the evil against "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child" if Japanese judiciary does not watch the mental damage of the child that the relations with real parent was forced to separate.
"The sole custody system" lets the dispute between parents intensify and produces a child kidnapping, and the Japanese Government misses that it becomes the cause that Japanese judiciary roll up a child in a dispute.
The parent who kidnapped a child demands rights such as the profit such as the expenses of bringing up children, the parental sole custody, a compensation for damages by the false damage, and the hostage negotiations are carried out.
Abductees were demanded the profit from the doing damage to parent whom kidnapped children.
Japanese judiciary giving a judgment to that does not decide on human trafficking.
The problem that the group of us watches closely is a problem of a child and mother of Asian countries. Japanese father marries mother of Asian countries and is a problem to kidnap a child without an agreement to mother.
The Japanese judiciary takes a sole parental custody without a crime, right away from mother if divorced
and father takes mother loving it away from a child while mixed marriages increase even if it is a kidnapping against the intention of the child and takes the childhood right that is loved while feeling warmth away.
Japanese Government understands the separation, not kidnapping. So one parent taking children away without another parent’s agreement.
Japanese Government never takes it as a kidnapping even if father takes it away without obtaining mother and the child's consent.
When parent step over the country of the Hague signatory to Japan and take a child away, Japanese Government determine whether you violate Hague Convention.
In other words Japanese Government judge that I do not violate Hague Convention when I step over the country of the Hague Convention non-member nation. Naturally the kidnapping in the country does not violate Hague Convention likewise, too.
Furthermore, the judiciary takes a child if I think about human rights of mother, and it makes even a voyage to Japan difficult, and fundamental human rights are never respected.
In the Japanese Government which is not settled, human rights sense may lack without watching this inaction.
The Japanese Government keeps off that the relationship of mutual trust of parents turns worse and especially gives priority to the mental damage of the kidnapper.
Therefore, the mental damage of the child for period ignores.
The Japanese judiciary decides on meet parents freely that growing to over15 age of children .
In other words, children in early childhood are excluded interchange separated parent from welfare and benefits.
The child requires that love is poured for the childhood period by parents, and both paternal principle and motherly principles are necessary for the healthy growth (well-being) of the heart.
The Japanese government should implement a joint custody system.
The Japanese government must research the reality of the situation, and must prevent child trafficking and the aforementioned human rights violations. We beg heartily.
Thank you.
議長 Ms. Renate Winter様(国際連合人権委員会)
一般財団法人 国際福祉人権研究財団
これらは、ペアレント エイリアン シンドロームとして世界保健機構で発表された。