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Dear ambassador


Please submit a statement to “the United Nations” and “ambassador Ian Burney” for 2018 G7 in Charlevoix Canada. that the following 4 points for “children’s happiness pursuit rights”. We will beg to pray. We hope to solve "the Japanese child abduction" that the world issue a importance manifesto. Thanks you in advance.

1, The Japanese government should admit the sin of one parent taking away children.

One parent taking away children is not guilty, but another parent taking return children in Joint custody is guilty. It is an illuminated omission that appreciates real control right as a character of “the sole custody”.

2, Japanese government must adopt that abolishes “the Sole Custody System” And should be change to "the joint custody system and Joint Parental Authority system".

Because the “sole custody system” cannot protect the child’s welfare, the best interests and the human rights and well-being of child. This system can not comply with “the Hague Convention”. Given the essence of "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child", it contravenes children's international compliance.

3. Japanese government must adopt an essential new law "a system of the court-appointed defense counsel for child by divorce".

Child affected by divorce have the right to protect themselves. Compliance with the given the essence of "Convention on the Rights of the Child”, it is a necessary system to prevent trafficking of children, child’s rights violations and child abuse.

4. Japanese government must adopt an essential new law “Prevention for children Trafficking and Trading".

"Child trafficking by one parent" is admitted publicly in parent negotiate profits and rights after detaining children in Japan. Because Japanese government don't determine the sin of kidnapping taking away children who have not agreed and no assent.Obviously, Japanese government has infringed the child's right.

Children are crying, they cannot meet the parent that wants to meet.

We are extremely grateful ambassadors of the EU that issued a statement to the Japanese government not complying with the Hague Convention. (Attached document)

On May 16, 2018, the US Department of State approved Japan as a “Noncompliance country" of obligation based on the "Hague Convention" of taking away problems after questioning "there is no effective means of enforcing orders" did. (Attached document)

Based on the "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child", maintenance that respects the independent rights of the child has not been done and it is not wise. “The Hague Convention” is not effective in “the sole custody system”, so there is an important harm as to the child's free intention and as to the return of children.

Originally, taking away children who do not agree is not a separation. It is a one-sided separation and is a kidnapping. However, even if my one parent takes child away without consent from another parent or child, Japanese government will not judge kidnapping in Japan. When taking a child across countries of the Hague Convention member countries, Japanese government judge whether or not it violates “The Hague Convention”. Japanese government will not judge kidnapping. In other words, if child cross the country of the non-Hague treaty country, Japanese government judge that it does not violate “The Hague Convention” . Of course, kidnapping in japan also does not violate“The Hague Convention”.

Despite this harmful influence, in cases where taking parent refused to comply with court return orders, there were no effective means to enforce the order, resulting in a pattern of noncompliance.

Japanese government has been accepted as official standard, trafficking to negotiate profits and rights after kidnapping or abducting in Japan. The spiritual abuse of children affected by divorce is ignored and the Japanese judiciary infringes the rights of children openly. But the legislation to protect children rights has not been it is not wise.

The cause of this problem will not be solved unless parents compliance of right are revised into “the joint custody system”

In “the sole custody system”, Japanese government will respect one parent's right who took child away. Because Japanese government look the real custody and real control right that one parent have it. Japanese government do not look another parent's right. In other words, it is a system that respects the rights of kidnappers.

Children separated from another parent will a mental disorder that becomes a parental loss syndrome.

Another parent that a child was kidnapped wills a mental disorder that becomes a child loss syndrome.

"The joint custody system" is an international law, protecting the rights of children and parents. Parents have the right to protect their children's future with their own hands and "the sole custody system" that deprives them of their rights cannot be Justice.

In order to protect the right of the child, we are strongly demand it to the Japanese Government. It abolished "the sole custody system" and is to shift to "the joint custody system". The right to receive affection from the parents, the right to grow with being loved, the right to be kept beside the parent, the right to wish stability of the heart with be hugged by two parent, Their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness shall should be respected.

For that purpose, widely disseminate this Japanese fact, we want cooperation of ambassador.

Our group concerns the kidnapping of children of Asian countries due to mother’s divorce. It is a problem that Japanese father takes away the child that is without the consent of mother. Japanese one parent takes away the child against the will of the child, but he will not be a crime. Japanese judiciary deprives custody and Joint Parental Authority from mother, children are lost mother and takes away the right to be loved while feeling warmth by mother.

Children in the non-Hague treaty country and children in Japan are not respecting fundamental human rights, and inactions are occurring. If experts in the world see Japanese trafficking in children, abduction issues, human rights violations, they can be clearly understood.

Childs torn apart with another parent have mental damage.

Japanese government do Ignoring the evaluation, there is an adverse effect against the "United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child".

The Japanese government has overlooked that "the sole custody system" intensifies conflicts between parents, causing childhood kidnapping and causing children to get involved in conflict. The father who kidnapped the child, openly asking the mother for the benefits such as child support expenses, custody rights etc in the court, and the hostage negotiation is done.

The Japanese judicial decision which gives a judgment giving the requested profits and rights to father abducting child is assisting child trafficking.

Furthermore, considering the another parent’s rights, fundamental human rights are never respected, such as judicial deprivation of children and making it Influence even on the voyaging to Japan. The Japanese government, which does not resolve without looking at this inaction, may lack human rights sensation.

Especially, the Japanese government avoids deterioration of parents' trust relationship, and gives priority to mental damage of abductees. Therefore, ignoring mental damage of children at infancy at all, judicial decision regard the child's welfare as going to see him freely after the child adults. Children need to be affectionate from their parents when they are young, and principles both paternal and maternal are necessary for healthy growth of the heart (well-being).

Therefore, the Japanese government should review maintenance and sticking to "the sole custody system", which inevitably ignores children's rights, and must prevent child trafficking and children's rights abuses. We sincerely pray to make proclamation by ambassador

27/ 5 / 2018

2-16-23 hiuchi kawanishi-city hyogo japan

Research Foundation for the Furtherance

of global Human Welfare & Well-being

( Child welfare&well-being organizations WELWEL)


 私達は大使様に、国連とG7 Summit 2018 の主催国であるカナダのIan Burney



  1. 日本政府は、合意、了解の無く子どもを連れ去る「一方親の罪」を認めるべきである。


  1. 「共同親権制度」に日本の制度を変更すべきである。






















平成30年 5月27日


一般財団法人 国際福祉人権研究財団

Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres

Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Pierre James Trudeau


The Japanese government must solve the child abduction issue. Therefore, the Japanese government should respect “the rights of children who have been deprived of agree and without assent" and "the rights of parent that was separated from child without agree and assent".

We request the resolution as soon as possible with reference to the following proposal.

1, The Japanese government should admit the sin of one parent taking away children.

One parent taking away children is not guilty, but another parent taking return children in Joint custody is guilty. It is an illuminated omission that appreciates real control right as a character of “the sole custody”.

2, Japanese government must adopt that abolishes “the Sole Custody System” And should be change to "the joint custody system and Joint Parental Authority system".

Because the “sole custody system” cannot protect the child’s welfare, the best interests and the human rights and well-being of child. Given the essence of "Convention on the Rights of the Child", it contravenes children's international compliance.

3. Japanese government must adopt an essential new law "a system of the court-appointed defense counsel for child” by divorce ".

Child affected by divorce have the right to protect themselves. Compliance with the given the essence of "Convention on the Rights of the Child”, it is a necessary system to prevent trafficking of children, child’s rights violations and child abuse.

4. Japanese government must adopt an essential new laws “Prevention for children Trafficking and Trading".

"child trafficking by one parent" is admitted publicly in parent negotiate profits and rights after detaining children in Japan. Because Japanese government do not determine the sin of kidnapping taking away children who have not agreed and no assent.

Obviously, Japanese government has infringed the child's right.

The Japanese government should improve conservatives, maintenance and persistence to "the sole custodial system" which inevitably ignores children's rights. We must look at the facts carefully to prevent child trafficking and human rights violations.

Children's rights are infringed in japan.

That's why we issue a Proclamation.

Ambassador of

______________ 提出国







「人身取引報告書(Trafficking in Persons Report)」調査機関










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