残念な結果となりました。 私達が寄付したポロシャツは、施設内で行方不明という話でした。
We got sorry results. The polo shirt we donated is a good translation of being missing in the facility. The facility chief said that he could not take photos of polo shirts donated two months ago.Unfortunately, it is unknown whether polo shirts and old clothes have arrived at children. There is a high possibility that children have not reached.

サポーターの皆様、申し訳ございませんでした。 他の支援先で補填を進めています。宜しくお願いします。
Sorry for the supporters. We are proceeding with compensation by other support persons. Thanking you in advance.
I got old clothes for children with good quality from Japanese supporters. I delivered it to the orphanage here. Also as a well well polo shirt assistance I donated a new polo shirt.
On this day there was a power outage with a heavy rain squall I can not report on the photo.
Currently, we are asking the facilities chief of this facility to send photos of children wearing polo shirts. Please wait.
またウェルウェルポロシャツ支援でポロシャツを寄付しました。 この日は豪雨のスコールで停電になり 写真での報告が出来ていません。 現在、服を来た写真を送って頂くよう、連絡しています。